Parents Association

What is it?

Every parent with a child in the school is automatically a member of the Parents Association. Every year parents get together and elect a committee to work on their behalf. The committee consists of a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and class representatives for each class in the school.

What’s the official line?

The Parents Association’s main aim is to allow parents to play their part in ensuring the best education for their children by building effective partnership of home and school through co-operation and communication with the Board of Management, Principal, Teachers and Students.

The Association can advise the Principal and the Board on matters relating to the school. All activities planned by the Association must be first approved by the Board. The Association is a member of the National Parents Council.

What do they actually do?

The Association works together with the Principal and teachers in the development of school policies such as the code of behaviour, anti-bullying, etc.

We suggest and organise extra-curricular activities with the agreement of the Board. There is a long list of activities that the Parents Association in Ballyglass have been doing for years and years. A list of some of these things are below

· Improving Road Safety at the School

· Financing School Tour Buses

· Financing the Purchase of School Science, Maths and Literacy Resources

· Financing the Music and Mindfulness Teacher

· Organising National Parents Council Speakers on Anti-bullying, Relationships, etc.

· Organising School Fundraisers such as Cash for Clobber, Team Hope Shoebox Appeal, Christmas Cards, etc.

· Organising the First Holy Communion Party alongside the Parents of 1st Class.

· Organising and Assisting Staff with the 6th Class Graduation Party.

· Organising the Christmas Fair (Every Three Years)

· School Maintenance and Gardening

· School Annual Walk and Sports Day Refreshments

How can you get involved?

Your ideas and opinions are important to us. Please let us know if you have any suggestions which could help us in our role as parent representatives. Feel free to contact any of us. We are always delighted for parents to get involved. All parents are welcome to come to any of our monthly meetings and especially to our AGM which is held every September.